Friday, November 27, 2015

So here are the fifteen illos that comprise my Thesis work. Additional detail and color balance was done using Photoshop. They are not in subject order, but they are as finished as I can get them. 

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

With advice from a friend of  mine, I edited the painting using Adobe Photoshop. I concentrated on pushing the characters further back in the background using levels and desaturation. I also added blues in the shadows to enhance contrast a bit. 

Sunday, November 15, 2015

New version of my Tardoss Mors Illustration with added characters in the background. What I did is paint the additional characters in a separate (and sealed) heavy stock paper, then using Photoshop, scanned it and pasted it on the original image. Then, in a separate layer I selected and copied the original figure of Tardoss Mors and then re-sized it (making it smaller) so as to be in the foreground. 

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

I am not very happy with the Tardoss Mors Illustration I did a few weeks back. So I sat down again and crafted a new sketch for it. Showing more characters in a kinda off a movie poster composition. I have to present my Thesis on Dec. 2nd, so I have to hurry up and work on this if I want to get it ready by then.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

This is the color version done entirely in oils on canvas board (16"x20")

Tonal study done in pencils and white charcoal on toned paper (16" x 20"). This is my final studio before proceeding to actually paint the Illustration.