Friday, September 11, 2015

I showed this to an artist friend of mine for a critique and he told me that while it was a decent composition, it had some problems. Mainly the tangents in John's foot and his sword as well the way is upper arm is bent. Also Dejah and her captor's faces are at the wrong angle. So I did some additional sketches on how to solve this problem. Not quite there yet, but I think I have an idea on how to solve the problem.

So here I put Dejah as a prisoner aboard a flying machine, with John jumping to the rescue in the background. It is a better idea, but I am not happy with how small John is in the picture. So I made him larger by making him stand on the ship's railing, as if he had just landed.

Trying to find a composition for a new "John Carter" Illo, I thought at first to make a portrait of Tardoss Mors, Dejah Thoris Grandfather, For a background, I wanted to portray a Martian city and landscape with a few flying machines in the air. My first attempt was too much similar to the 2012 movie promotional poster, and my second wasn't too attractive either. So then I decided to add Dejah to the mix, so I made a quick color sketch of her. This wasn't good enough either, but it gave me an idea for a whole new composition.

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