I didn't have much time this week to work on the Prince Valiant design, but at least I managed to design the look I want for him in my illustrations. So I did go with a Roman armor inspired design. The reason I went with this is because the Roman Empire did stretch out to Britannia (from the year AD 43 to 409). Prince Valiant is loosely placed in the AD 8th century, so my idea is that before developing the armor and technologies of the Medieval Ages, Britons first "revived" the tools and weapons left behind by the Romans.
For the "Indiana Jones and the Lost City of Shangri-La", I built a small citadel with Sculpty. This will allow me to light it the right way and copy the value, light and dark shapes in the illustration. I know it looks horrible, but a sculptor I am not, ha, ha.
I was halfway down this illustration when I noticed that the layout wasn't going to work for me, so I decided to change it to the portrait composition below. I think it works better this way. This of course will be the "Indiana Jones and the Dragons of Popotal" Illustration final composition.