Friday, April 24, 2015

At this stage, I'd say that the painting is 80% done. I reduced the shoulder size, made the hair follow the back's curvature, re-did the face and the pant legs. I also added extra detail in the belt and axe that were not originally planned. I need to add a tint of yellow to make the skulls harmonize with the rest of the painting.

Progress on  my Conan Illo. The background is mostly done. The figure is halfway, but right now I can see that it has too many issues. Those shoulders for example, are too massive, his hair is not following the curvature of his back and the face needs to be re-done. 

Friday, April 10, 2015

Studies for my next Conan Illustration.

Well, I thought I was done with this, but I made a few additional changes with the background as well as some detail in her arm. 

Sunday, April 5, 2015

This is it for my Dejah Thoris Illustration. Oil on primed Illustration Board. 11" x 14"